Protect YOUR Chimney from the Feathered Fiends!

Spring is a truly beautiful season. The nights are getting lighter, temperatures are on the rise and all of nature (including us humans!) is shaking off the long and miserable winter. One type of creature that makes the most of the warmer season is birds, who take advantage of the clement weather and set about the business of laying eggs and raising a brood. 

The nesting season generally begins in February and runs through to August, with the period between March and July being the busiest time. While birds are undoubtedly beautiful, they can become a serious problem if they choose your chimney to nest in. Chimneys are warm, cosy places that provide a safe place to lay eggs and raise chicks. To a bird, a chimney is prime real estate!

On the surface, allowing a bird to use a chimney as a place to build a nest doesn't seem to be an issue but the fact is that it can cause major problems. In the worst case scenario, it could even cost you your life. Read on to find out more...

Perhaps the most obvious problem is that of droppings. These can build up much quicker than you might imagine and are full of bacteria which can cause a suite of nasty diseases like meningitis, cryptococcosis and histoplamosis to name but a few.

If a bird should happen to die inside the chimney, retrieving its body is going to be a very difficult, costly and intrusive process. Leaving the body there is not an option as it's going to start decomposing, filling the property with an awful smell. The body is likely to attract insects as well. Not a very pleasant idea!  

The most dangerous problem that can occur is partial or even total blockage of the chimney with a buildup of droppings and nest debris. Such a blockage prevents the chimney from performing its most vital function, which is allowing carbon monoxide to escape. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal. As it is completely odourless, it can build up to deadly levels within a property without anyone being aware: this is why the dangerous gas is widely known as a 'silent killer'.

In the UK, the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 makes it a criminal offence to remove an active bird's nest from a property. Anyone convicted of doing so faces a fine of as much as £5,000 or even a custodial sentence of up to six months. If there is a bird's nest in your chimney, you must wait until it has been abandoned before removing it.     

Preventing birds from building nests in the first place is the best solution. Installing galvanised wire balloons is a quick, easy and relatively inexpensive way of stopping the problem from ever occurring. Made from tough, corrosion-resistant steel, the balloon is first bent to the correct shape and then simply placed into the chimney.

Galvanised wire balloons are available in a choice of sizes from Greengates Builders Merchant at an extremely competitive price. It's a small investment that will save you hassle, money and maybe even your life! Check out our website for more information. 

You could also browse our excellent selection of chimney pots and cowls. Then, while you're installing a wire balloon, you can enhance the appearance of your home. It makes sense to carry out these jobs at the same time. Go on, kill two birds with one stone!

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